Connect with Prospects

Welcome. You’re about to embark on the creation of a one-of-kind video resource that will set you apart and draw in new prospects.

It just seems that amidst all of the media available to us, there’s one element that is missing. Think about it. We have pure-play ads for our products and services, and there’s nothing wrong with that. We have half hour sometimes hour long network relationship building meetings where we inform how to send referrals, while we do the same for the other person. We have social media posts, but in a sea of other posts. What is missing?

What is missing is that part where folks just want to get to know you. They may be first drawn in because of your mission or what you do, but before they take a next step they want to feel it’s the right thing to do. We can tell a ton about someone by how they carry on, how they talk, what they say, how they say it…. and this video can directly help.

Before we actually get the camera out though, you’ll need to storyboard key talking points. That’s different than a memorized script. Talking points are things you’ll say, concisely, and from the heart. Your goal here is to make an emotive connection with the viewer, to draw them in, to respond to your call-for-action.

As you know, story-boarding is a manual flow of ideas that help you build out an idea. Sometimes, Post-its are handy, other times index cards or similar work. An idea can branch off in any direction, a “mind map”, if you will. For sakes of simplicity here though, I’ll describe our storyboard as a single row of ideas, with each item in the row having multiple rows beneath it. E.g. “Bake Cake” on row 1. Row 2 might be “get recipe”, row3, “get ingredients”, row 4, “Bake”, and so on.

You don’t have to follow this flow, it’s just an idea to help get you started. You know better than anyone how to tell your story. Check out how Bryan Daly addressed these points, in the video on this page.

  • State name and role or title

  • State something personal like where you live, and why (e.g. because you like to hike, or there is family nearby).

  • State what you have dedicated you life to do (e.g. helping children) and a high level “why”.

  • State your qualifications and why you are a leader in the space.

  • State that why again, and get to the heart. What is it that absolutely drives you.

  • State something interesting about the problem you are addressing, that they'didn’t know. Raise their level of awareness, and desire for a solution.

  • Bring all of that together by explaining what your business is and how it fulfills your mission, and how it adds value to the lives of your target audience

  • Remember, you’re great but not a great fit for everyone! Consider suggesting you could add value in some other way - and keep them connected to you. Maybe that’s a book you wrote, group you’re a part of, it could anything!

  • Gently ask the viewer to reach out and connect (e.g. phone, text, email, etc.)

Feel comfortable texting/calling (772) 218-0908, or emailing to

Talk soon!

